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Large debris flows in steep-sloped ravines debouching to the Rimac River, in metropolitan Lima (Peruvian capital), have resulted in considerable loss of life and property adversely impacting communities in the region. Temporal, spatial and volumetric features of debris flows are difficult to predict, and it is of utmost importance that achievable management solutions are found to reduce the impact of these catastrophic events. The emotional and economic toll of these debris flows on this increasingly densely populated capital city in South America is devastating where communities must live in such inadequate and dangerous conditions. To address this problem, the application of advanced Japanese technology, Sustainable Actions Basin Orientation (SABO), has been investigated using a geomorphological modelling to develop an implementation plan. Rayos de Sol stream basin in Chosica, was selected as a pilot to develop the proposal, as it is considered high risk due to the presence of ancient debris flows and recent flows in 2012, 2015 and 2017. The recurrence of debris flows in this location has resulted in numerous deaths and catastrophic property losses. This study combines geologic and geomorphic mapping and hydraulic and landform evolution numerical modelling. The implementation of a SABO Master Plan based on the multidisciplinary assessment hazard scenarios, will allow the implementation of feasible mitigation actions. The SABO technology has been applied successfully in Japan and other countries in areas with steep short slopes, similar to the conditions surrounding the Peruvian capital. Results from this study will be presented to the Peruvian Government as part of an action plan to manage debris-flow impact.
  2. High-risk mass slope failure is linked to poor urban planning in urban developing regions of Lima the capital of Peru.

  3. A multidisciplinary study including geotechnical and hydrological analysis, engineering design, and socio-economic research is required to implement a SABO Master Plan, and this basin is pilot study basin.

  4. At the present time, a maintenance programme for existing hydraulic structures should be implemented, and a flood risk management plan developed may propose the relocation of some communities and infrastructure.

针对目前桥梁结构横向防落梁限位装置损毁后修复困难的问题,提出一种新型的带可更换耗能段的桥梁横向防落梁限位装置。分别以可更换耗能段的腹板厚度、腹板高度及安装位置等为参数,采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立了10个不同参数的装置模型并对其开展拟静力仿真试验,探讨其工作机理,验证其可更换的设计思想并剖析其破坏机理,研究各参数对装置滞回曲线、承载力、延性和耗能能力的影响规律。结果表明:该装置可通过先可更换耗能段破坏再竖板破坏达到多道设防和分级耗能的目的,且整个加载过程中装置的滞回曲线饱满、稳定、无明显捏拢,表现出良好的耗能能力;随着可更换耗能段腹板厚度的增加,装置屈服承载力、极限承载力、屈服位移、极限位移以及延性系数逐渐增大,耗能能力逐渐增强;可更换耗能段高度对装置屈服承载力影响不显著;随着可更换耗能段高度的增加,装置极限承载力逐渐增大,装置屈服位移先增大后减小,装置极限位移整体呈下降趋势,装置的延性系数和耗能能力逐渐减小;可更换耗能段的安装高度对装置屈服承载力和耗能能力的影响无统一规律,但与装置的屈服位移、极限位移及延性系数成负相关。基于本析结果,建议装置在满足承载力要求的前提下,应尽量选取可更换耗能段腹板厚度较厚、高度较小和安装位置较低的参数进行设计。  相似文献   
2020年3月30日,四川省凉山州西昌市经久乡发生森林大火,山火燃烧后形成的山火灰和烧焦土体在强降雨作用下极易启动形成泥石流,给西昌市泸山、琼海景区生态环境及当地百姓生命财产安全带来潜在地质灾害风险。以西昌市安哈镇响水沟左岸3#支沟为例,采用野外调查、无人机航拍、地球物理探测、现场及室内实验等手段,对2020年5月1日该沟发生的火后泥石流流体特征、动力学参数及成因机制等开展研究,系统分析了山火及降雨过程对该次火后泥石流形成的影响机制。该成果可为系统认识西昌泸山“3·30”山火地区火后泥石流的运动特征、物源规模、激发雨量及其发展趋势研判提供科学参考。  相似文献   
中国城市抗御地震灾害研究的发展与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城市是社会发展的产物,它具有人口密集、经济发达、基础设施集中等特点。城市安全一直是人们普遍关心的问题,城市地震安全受到政府和社会的广泛关注,并且是学术界研究的热点问题之一。唐山大地震后,在反思惨痛震害教训的同时,中国政府和学术界开始了长达40余年的城市抗御地震灾害的研究与实践,形成了有中国特色的城市抗震防灾技术和方法。本文简要地归纳了破坏性地震对城市的影响,从我国先后开展的城市抗震防灾规划、防震减灾规划和韧性城市3个方面系统地总结了中国城市抗御地震灾害研究和实践的发展历程,讨论和评述了在这一研究领域存在的问题。本文对韧性城市的定义、研究内容、特征、评价指标和方法进行了较为详细的介绍,在此基础上,提出了在城市抗震中应重点加强研究的5个方面的问题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
我国地震多、强度大、分布广,强地震的现实危害和潜在威胁是我国城市安全发展所面临的重大挑战。国内外城市地震灾害惨痛经验表明,震灾预防能力建设不足的城市往往在强震中毁于一旦。实现我国城市安全可持续发展,必须高度重视和持续推进城市震灾预防能力建设,切实防控和消除地震灾害风险。本文在深入分析城市地震灾害影响因素的基础上,从震灾预防能力建设、城市地震灾害风险防控工作、法规及技术标准和评价体系等方面入手,提出了进一步加强城市震灾预防能力建设的对策建议。  相似文献   
避难场所可达性是指避难场所与受灾居民之间的通达性,即灾害发生时,避难人员通过避难疏散通道到达避难场所的难易程度,是评价避难场所布局合理性的重要指标。本研究结合高斯两步移动搜寻法和网络分析法,从供需双向出发对村镇地区避难场所进行可达性分析。2种方法的结合,既充分考虑了需求点与设施点的相互作用,又充分考虑了设施点的吸引力随距离的衰减关系,并基于实际道路,以步行疏散时间作为搜索半径,降低了传统研究中因忽略供需间相互作用及实际距离而引起的可达性结果的误差。最后,以神农架松柏镇区为例,验证该方法的实际应用价值。结果表明,该方法能够有效测定村镇地区避难场所的空间可达性,同时,基于GIS软件可以直观地揭示研究区域内避难场所可达性空间分布差异。该方法可为制定科学的村镇防灾减灾规划提供方法支持。  相似文献   
近年来,山东省地面沉降监测与防治工作取得了重要进展,初步建立了以二等水准路线、全球定位系统(GPS)、基岩标分层标和地下水监测为基础的"四网合一"地面沉降监测体系,INSAR监测实现了山东全省覆盖。监测成果显示,山东省地面沉降主要位于东营市广饶县、滨州市博兴县、聊城市茌平县,沉降速率呈加快趋势,造成建筑物地基下沉、房屋开裂、地下管道破损等一系列地质环境问题。  相似文献   
史富全 《探矿工程》2020,47(11):37-43
油气井发生溢流或井喷后,立即关闭防喷器,关井期间防喷器需经受关井产生的水击压力作用。本文在对井喷关井水击的传播物理特征分析的基础上,推导直接关井水击压力计算公式,综合考虑井筒流体含气率、气液两相流型、固相类型等对水击波速的影响,推导水击波在气、液、固三相混合流体中传播速度计算公式,并通过算例对水击波速影响因素进行分析。计算表明水击波速对含气率变化非常敏感,钻井液含气率在0~0.001的时候,水击波速几乎是发生了突变,水击波速在含气率为0.001时仅为385 m/s,相比纯钻井液情况下降了67%,而钻井液固相含量、套管的内径和壁厚对水击波传播速度影响较小。  相似文献   
为厘清季冻土区临水内、外拱护墙结构冻胀平位移冻害机理,测试隔离层防冻害装置的有效性,在20101110-20110531、20131110-20140531、20171110-20180531三个观测年内,以长春某湖泊临水内、外拱护墙结构为研究对象,选择内、外拱护墙结构和设隔离层防冻害装置的试验内拱护墙结构三者相对比,用钢尺量距法观测三者寒期的平位移状态。结果表明:内拱护墙结构出现倾斜、裂缝导致的内向冻胀平位移冻害,其内向平位移曲线随气温均呈"半驼峰型",对应观测年持续降温-持续低温-持续升温-正温时段,内向冻胀平位移呈减小-增大-减小-稳定残余的位移运动,诱因是平冻胀应力的生成-增长-减弱-消失作用;外拱护墙结构出现较小的外向冻胀平位移,外向冻胀平位移曲线均呈"波浪型",无冻害发生,冰凸拱平冻胀应力推动外拱护墙结构压缩冻土凹拱形成外向冻胀平位移,冻土凹拱限制了外向冻胀平位移发展;设隔离层防冻害装置的试验内拱护墙结构未发生平位移冻害,其内向冻胀平位移较自然冻胀的内拱护墙结构减小83.92%,较外拱护墙结构减小51.74%,表明隔离层防冻害装置防治冻胀平位移冻害有效。  相似文献   
A full‐scale 5‐story steel moment frame building was subjected to a series of earthquake excitations using the E‐Defense shake table in August, 2011. For one of the test configurations, the building was seismically isolated by a hybrid system of lead‐rubber bearings and low friction roller bearings known as cross‐linear bearings, and was designed for a very rare 100 000‐year return period earthquake at a Central and Eastern US soil site. The building was subject to 15 trials including sinusoidal input, recorded motions and simulated earthquakes, 2D and 3D input, and a range of intensities including some beyond the design basis level. The experimental program was one of the first system‐level full‐scale validations of seismic isolation and the first known full‐scale experiment of a hybrid isolation system incorporating lead‐rubber and low friction bearings. Stable response of the hybrid isolation system was demonstrated at displacement demands up to 550 mm and shear strain in excess of 200%. Torsional amplifications were within the new factor stipulated by the code provisions. Axial force was observed to transfer from the lead‐rubber bearings to the cross‐linear bearings at large displacements, and the force transfer at large displacements exceeded that predicted by basic calculations. The force transfer occurred primarily because of the flexural rigidity of the base diaphragm and the larger vertical stiffness of the cross‐linear bearings relative to the lead‐rubber bearings.  相似文献   
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